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Through 1:1 fitness and nutrition coaching, we will help you break free from restrictions, reach your fitness goals, and reap the benefits in ALL areas of your life.

Has your life been consumed by stress about your body image, what you eat, and how often you hit the gym or a workout class?

At Excelerate Athletics, you'll learn how to -

See food as fuel

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Eat without restriction

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Train to get results

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Gain self confidence

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Customized Training

& Nutrition Coaching


Training & Nutrition Strategy

  • Custom macros and portion goals

  • Individualized grocery lists, meal plan ideas, and recipes

  • Custom workout program tailored to your time, equipment, expertise level, and goals

  • Customized training app to track progress


  • 24/6 texting support access to your coach

  • Weekly check-ins with 1:1 coach

  • Private EA Client community group chat

  • Monthly Community & Coach Support Zoom calls


  • Direct access to ask coach any and all questions

  • Private client educational course with digestible information so that you feel prepared to be on your own one day

  • E-books, guides, and resources

  • A coaching method built to help you not need a coach forever!

Customized Nutrition-Focused Coaching


Training & Nutrition Strategy

  • Custom macros and portion goals

  • Individualized grocery lists, meal plan ideas, and recipes

  • Customized app to track progress


  • 24/6 texting support access to your coach

  • Weekly check-ins with 1:1 coach

  • Private EA Client community group chat

  • Monthly Community & Coach Support Zoom calls


  • Direct access to ask coach any and all questions

  • Private client educational course with digestible information so that you feel prepared to be on your own one day

  • E-books, guides, and resources

  • A coaching method built to help you not need a coach forever!


Check out what some of our Excelerate Athletics clients have accomplished in just a few months...


Coach Mallory

Founder and Head Coach

NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Precision Nutrition L1, Functional Nutrition & Metabolism Science Specialization

Ayooo it's me, Coach Mal!⁣⁣⁠

The low down on my journey: I went from never thinking twice about what I was eating, chicken nuggs on the daily, to all of sudden obsessing over every morsel of food that I consumed. I still don’t even know how the switch flipped, but it took over my life. I had anxiety attacks over going out to eat. I’d hit the gym twice a day (hours of cardio of course and hated every second) after a weekend of binging. I wasn’t happy with what I saw in the mirror.⁣⁣⁠

Once I began lifting, my entire life changed. When it became how strong can I get instead of how small can I get, it got FUN. Not only was it then that my body actually started to change…but I fell in love with myself. I gained confidence, walked taller, wasn’t so shy, and took risks I never thought I would.⁣⁣⁠

It changed my life.⁣⁣⁠ And that’s when I decided I wanted to help change others!⁣⁣⁠


Hello there, I'm Coach Megan!

My health and fitness journey started young. I was always the “fat” kid at school until in 7th grade after not fitting into any of the clothes in the Juniors section I decided I was going to do something about it and lost 40 pounds by 8th grade. 

In high school, I was a cross country runner who kept getting injured and still not having the body composition I desired even though I was running and doing abs for hours a day. I didn’t want to pick up a weight because I was afraid lifting would make me gain weight. Then a Registered Dietitian came and spoke to our XC team and everything changed. I started eating more protein and lifting weights, fueling my body for what I needed it to do. 

COVID, pregnancy and depression was the perfect storm for losing sight of my health goals. But after getting back on track and making myself a priority again, most recently I have lost the 60lbs I gained with my sons pregnancy and I want to help other women who struggle with similar know that they can do it too!

Coach Megan

Assistant Coach / Team Dietitian


Bachelor of Science in Nutrition & Food Science, Certified Lactation Counselor, LEAP Therapist, Gut & Hormone Specialist, Pregnancy & Post-Partum Corrective Exercise Specialist


Coach Nic

Assistant Coach

NASM CPT, NASM Group PT Specialist, DLD Online Fitness & Nutrition Coach, Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mental Emotional Release® & Hypnosis, Certified Lagree/Pilates Instructor

Hey hey, it's me Coach Nic!!

These days, getting STRONG physically and emotionally is my main goal, but it definitely wasn’t always that way. For most of my life I was very focused on being the smallest version of myself at any cost. As a dancer and cheerleader growing up, there was a lot of pressure to look “cute and tiny” and I didn’t feel like I looked like the other ladies around me. This lead to years of overtraining (sometimes 3 workouts a day), under-recovering and going through cycles of binging and restriction with food. 

In 2016 I fell in love with pilates and became an instructor which allowed me to build my confidence and feel empowered to take charge of my health and mindset. From there, my love for all things fitness, nutrition and mindset really blossomed into being an entire life changing experience. As a coach, my ultimate goal is to empower women to appreciate their bodies for all they can accomplish in and out of the gym. You are STRONG and I’m here to support you to see just how much that is true.

Hey everyone! My name is Jess.

My health/fitness journey started back in middle/high school. I played soccer, softball and indoor track - and absolutely loved it! When I finished high school, I continued to play softball in college for 2 years, until I decided it was time to put away the bat and glove. I become very complacent - I did not have that structured workout routine that had been created for me by all of my coaches. Therefore I gained weight and loss a lot of muscle. I always tried getting back into a routine, but any time I would go to the gym, I was nervous to workout in front of others. I felt like I didn’t know what to do, and I felt like everyone was staring at me. On top of that, I had little to no education on how to eat to fuel my goals.

I got fed up with being so uneducated and feeling like I didn’t belong. So that is when I started doing ALL the research and taking classes to learn the proper way of doing things. Shortly after, I decided to train for my very first body building competition. This is where I was introduced to Dietitian work! I gained knowledge, I gained so much self-confidence, I gained my love for strength training, and I gained a career path that I am so in love and invested in! From here on, I will never turn back! 

My WHY is to help others change their perspective of health and fitness - and I hope to be that light for others and educate those who have had the same feelings as I did!

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Coach Jess

Assistant Coach 

NASM Certified Personal Trainer, NASM Certified Nutrition Coach, Pre/Post Natal Certified, Dual B.S. in Health Education & Physical Education.

Masters in Dietetics in Progress

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Coach Nicole

Assistant Coach 

ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, Precision Nutrition L1, AFPA Prenatal & Postpartum Fitness Specialist, B.S. Exercise Sports Science, M.S. Fitness & Human Performance

Whats up! I'm Nicole!

I have always loved two things: fitness and food.


However, it was not until graduating from college that I realized my views of both were actually unhealthy. In college, I lived out a childhood dream of playing D1 soccer at UNC. I was extremely driven to make sure I came into each preseason in the best shape I could be. I wanted to eat "healthy" so I could practice and perform at my best. But I didn't know what "healthy" truly meant...

I was obsessed with everything that went into my body and I wrestled with extreme food guilt. I felt that the only way to stay fit was to kill my body like I had been doing the past 4 years for soccer. 


After years of struggling, I started with my own coach and forever changed my perspective on food and exercise, and I am now walking in the confidence and freedom that comes from knowing that a balanced lifestyle is achievable. 


I've always had a passion to help others, especially when it comes to health and fitness. I am so excited to share the personal struggles and victories I've had with clients and help them find the same!

Hi! I'm Ellen!

Since childhood, I have held a profound love for exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Throughout my school years, I actively participated in a variety of sports teams, and upon entering university, the gym became a huge part of my life.
However, in my early twenties, I encountered a significant challenge when I developed an eating disorder. I became addicted to exercise, whilst severely under-eating, which resulted in rapid weight loss.
Nevertheless, my passion for health and fitness persisted. Through diligent self-education on exercise and nutrition, I embarked on a journey of self-healing, gradually transitioning into a happier and healthier version of myself. Upon graduating from university, I came to the realization that a career in the fitness industry was my true calling. Thus, I pursued qualifications as a personal trainer.
Since obtaining my certification, I have gained valuable experience working in various gym settings before transitioning to online coaching. Continuously seeking knowledge, I have expanded my qualifications and delved deeper into areas such as hormone health, gut health, and mindset work. My approach to training is holistic, emphasizing the importance of addressing internal well-being alongside physical fitness. I firmly believe in setting achievable goals and promoting sustainable lifestyle changes to facilitate overall wellness.


Coach Ellen

Assistant Coach 

NCI Level 1 Nutrition Certified, NCI Mindset Specialist, NCI Hormone Specialist, NCI Gut Health Specialist

Learn More About Who We Are, What We Do, & What We Think!

Excelerate Your Life Podcast

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Want to learn more about health, fitness, and Coach Mal's general takes on hot topics?

Listen to her podcast, Excelerate Your Life, linked below!

Guest starring assistant coaches so you can get to know US! 

Follow Us On Instagram!

At Excelerate Athletics, we believe -

You don’t have to restrict or cut out your favorite foods in order to get the results you want!

Seriously... Eat the ice cream. Drink the damn beer.

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Eating healthy just got a lot easier!

Our macro-friendly recipe guide is packed with over 40 delicious recipes to help you stay on track with your health and fitness goals. With breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack ideas, this guide is the perfect tool to help you plan your meals and hit your macros each week!



Cook Book

Laura R.

Rebecca L.

Michelle F.

Abby S.


Ready to ditch the restrictions and finally get results?


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